Tie Fighter

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Star Wars Tie Fighter 3D Printing Model Build
3D Printing

Star Wars Tie Fighter 3D Printed Model

Embark on a galactic adventure with our Tie Fighter model print! Perfect for fans eager to add a touch of the faraway galaxy to their homes. Whether you’re a veteran enthusiast or a newcomer to 3D printing, our store has options for both pre-assembled and DIY models. Jump into the

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A Few of my latest posts...

Is it any wonder why super stressed families are bowing to the pressures of modern life.

And you wonder why families are falling apart…

In a world where families are increasingly strained, the latest news reveals a staggering 28% hike in nursery fees, pushing parents to the brink. With childcare costs soaring to over £10,500 annually, many are left questioning how to make ends meet. Meanwhile, government departments waste taxpayer money on luxury items,

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Telegraph Headlines - Pensions Saver Loses 270k in Panic over Labour Budget

The Real Damage Journalists Can Do

The 8th of October brought a shocking headline from Madeline Ross of the Daily Telegraph, claiming a pension saver lost £270,000 due to a Labour tax raid. At first glance, it seems like a devastating blow to this woman’s retirement. But is it really Labour’s fault, or is there more

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Blessed are the Cheesemakers / Climate Change Deniers

Blessed are the Climate Change Deniers

In a world where misinformation thrives, the comments section of a heartwarming article about reducing carbon emissions turned into a battleground for climate change deniers. With accusations of conspiracy theories and bizarre claims about mind control, it’s a stark reminder of the challenges faced by those advocating for environmental responsibility.

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