Just Giving

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March the Month for Prostate Cancer UK
Illness & Wellness

March the Month 2024 for Prostate Cancer UK

This March I am challenging myself to walk 11,000 steps a day, every day for Prostate Cancer UK, and on top of that i’m fundraising to try and raise £500 for the charity. Now to most people 11,000 steps doesn’t sound like a lot, but to me it’s going to

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A Few of my latest posts...

Tory Waste and the National Debt since 2010

Tory Waste, No wonder the country is bankrupt….

Today I am starting a new pinned article and I intend to keep adding to this as I find and verify infomation about the vaste swathes of Tory waste that has seen our national debt increase from 770 billion pounds in 2010 to 2,600 billion pounds in 2024. In the

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