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Star Wars Tie Fighter 3D Printing Model Build

Star Wars Tie Fighter Model Print

Embark on a galactic adventure with our Tie Fighter model print! Perfect for fans eager to add a touch of the faraway galaxy to their homes. Whether you’re a veteran enthusiast or a newcomer to 3D printing, our store has options for both pre-assembled and DIY models. Jump into the

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Tory Waste and the National Debt since 2010

Tory Waste, No wonder the country is bankrupt….

Today I am starting a new pinned article and I intend to keep adding to this as I find and verify infomation about the vaste swathes of Tory waste that has seen our national debt increase from 770 billion pounds in 2010 to 2,600 billion pounds in 2024. In the

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Disability Rights are Human Rights

The Great Tory PIP Robbery, An Assault on The Disabled.

There is a lot of false information going around at the moment, and most of it coming from the likes of MP Mel Stride, claiming on television that Personal Independence Payments (PIP) comes to thousands of pounds a month, this is absolute rubbish, the maximum anyone can claim on PIP

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Is Brexit Dead?

Is the Brexit Experiment Finally Dead?

High interest rates, crippling mortgages, high food prices and even higher energy prices, strikes ongoing for the last year, including Doctors and Rail Workers, goods held up on the borders for weeks on end, immigration up, and a chancellor and PM that lie through their teeth, and the country has

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March the Month for Prostate Cancer UK

March the Month 2024 for Prostate Cancer UK

This March I am challenging myself to walk 11,000 steps a day, every day for Prostate Cancer UK, and on top of that i’m fundraising to try and raise £500 for the charity. Now to most people 11,000 steps doesn’t sound like a lot, but to me it’s going to

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AI in Recruitment

Picking the Wrong Man for the Job

On the face of it you would have thought that using AI to read CV’s would be a good thing, or hiring an agency to do help with your recruitment by screening the applicants down to a top 10 before you see the CV’s yourself. And in the modern world

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Royal Mail Click & Drop 403 Connection Errors

Royal Mail Click & Drop – WooCommerce Connection Error

For those that use WordPress / Woocommerce and Royal Mail’s Click & Drop Service getting that initial connection between Woocommerce and Royal Mail is not always as easy as it should be. When you first attempt to create the connection from click & drop to woocomerce you will fairly often

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