Global Warming

A short description introducing your blog so visitors know what type of posts they will find here.
Flowers in a field of Solar Panels
Cost of Living

Going Green, Even if you Can’t Put Solar on Your Roof.

There really is no excuses for not going green anymore, screw what the government are saying they are only interested in profit, if you want to your kids to have a planet to live on, then you / we need to be doing something about it NOW! I was lucky

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Child Slave Labour in the Congo Cobalt Mines
News & Poiltics

The Real Price of “Green” Vehicles

Ok, I admit it, I drive a Hybrid Electric Vehicle, not a full on plugin electric but still a self charging EV which shares much of its components with full on EV’s, and don’t get me wrong I absolutely love my EV, and wouldn’t give it up for all the

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A Few of my latest posts...

Tory Waste and the National Debt since 2010

Tory Waste, No wonder the country is bankrupt….

Today I am starting a new pinned article and I intend to keep adding to this as I find and verify infomation about the vaste swathes of Tory waste that has seen our national debt increase from 770 billion pounds in 2010 to 2,600 billion pounds in 2024. In the

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