It’s BBC Children in Need on November the 15th (so six weeks away at time of writing) and already Amazon, eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Etsy are full of fake Children in Need T-Shirts, Sweathshirts, Pudsy Bears, Caps, Bags and every other conceivable piece of Pudsy merch you can think of….. But there’s a problem, no of it actually belongs to Children in Need, the charity and therefore the children will receive nothing, whilst you get to waltz around with your smug shit-eating grin being holier than though because your supporting children in need, whilst donating absolutely sweet fuck all to Pudsey’s pot.
Now I know there is a cost of living crisis and these t-shirts are sometimes cheaper but we have found many examples where the counterfeits are actually more expensive than the real thing. Take a look at Little Angel Crafts on Etsy run by Amy Eaton, who sells her fake Pudsy shirts for £12, when a genuine one from Children in Need is only a tenner, and of course there is no mention of anything going to Children in Need either.