Mental Health

A short description introducing your blog so visitors know what type of posts they will find here.
Disability Rights are Human Rights
Cost of Living

The Great Tory PIP Robbery, An Assault on The Disabled.

There is a lot of false information going around at the moment, and most of it coming from the likes of MP Mel Stride, claiming on television that Personal Independence Payments (PIP) comes to thousands of pounds a month, this is absolute rubbish, the maximum anyone can claim on PIP

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Its all gone horribly wrong
Illness & Wellness

Its all going horribly wrong

Well it’s been one of those weeks, i have managed to break my walking stick, resulting in me plunging headlong into the road, I have managed to lose my Blue Badge, within the confines of my own home and then to top it off i have a raft of hospital

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Depression Is Not Contagious
Illness & Wellness

Depression isn’t Contagious, You Can’t Catch It!

I have found that one of the worst parts of mental illness especially depression is the loneliness and despair you can feel, if like me you feel alone in a room full of people, imagine spending the last 4 or 5 years essentially in isolation. When my illness really started

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Dave the Chicken RIP
Mental Health

So Long Dave, and thanks for all the eggs…

I have been living with chronic pain for nearly a year now and it has slowly gotten worse, episodes used to be a couple of hours and easily treated with fairly standard pain killers, now I have a lot more episodes sometimes lasting days, when even the likes of Tramadol

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A Few of my latest posts...

Dry Storage Solution for Storing 3D Printing Filament

Perfect Dry Storage for 3D Printing Filament

If you’re passionate about 3D printing, you know that keeping your filament dry is essential for optimal results. Have you ever struggled with storing open rolls of filament? You’re not alone! A recent discovery from a 3D printing group on Facebook has unveiled a brilliant and affordable solution to this

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Daily Telegraph Tops IPSO Naughty List

So Sue Gray has been pushed out, What Next for the Main Stream Media?

Sue Gray’s resignation from Kier Starmer’s government highlights a troubling trend in the mainstream media’s manipulation of politics. As the media escalates its smear campaigns, the integrity of political discourse is at stake. With constant fabrications and sensationalized stories, the need for press regulation has never been more urgent. From

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