There’s a reason I don’t use social media these days, and thats because it’s absolutely full to the gunnels with tin foil hat wearing moronic lemmings, and there are non better than the climate change deniers, and it really did bring my mind back to Monty Pythons Life of Brian and the Sermon on the Mountain, these woefully under educated and overstimulated morons will literally follow anything the Daily Mail or Twitter/X tells them to.

The article itself was a lovely little piece about the some estate within the peak district national park, reducing its carbon emissions by 74% by the use of solar panels, battery storage, heat pumps and even a few little wind turbines. And thrown in was a little a bit about how many new trees they had planted and how they were planning to go further with solar panels being added to the roof of one of the cafe’s, it’s a good heartwarming stuff, and it’s great to see an organisation like that promoting nay persueing a net zero target within their business. Not only will it pay them back in spades financially, but its the right thing to do.
But the comments section was just nothing but abuse, accusations of tranfser of wealth to the energy companies, various other conspiracy theories, something about vapour trails being a mind control drug and lots about China, and heaven help anyone who happened by and tried to defend the cause. They were positively dragged out to the crosses and nailed up for all to see.
One person was even ranting about how the ozone layer and acid rain etc fixed themselves, and so will climate change……
And it’s not just in social media where these plonkers are waging their ridiculous war, apparently parking dirty great diesels on the EV charging bays, is now some kind of protest by the lets burn the planet brigade protesting that other people have actually done the decent thing and invested in an EV, there are also many stories around of the charging cables being chopped off, and people walking down the line unplugging peoples cares whilst they away getting a coffee and waiting for their pride and joy to charge up. What I really cant work out is if its jealousy or these people really do think that deliberately blocking an EV from a charging bay is a some kind of relevant protest, i do think it’s kind of a response to Just Stop Oil’s protests, but just so much less effective.
So yes, blessed are the Climate Change Deniers, and the Cheese Makers of course. And it’s time for me to have another few weeks away from social media and the droves of morons that frequent it.