Boris is Gone – Good Fucking Riddance

Finally this self centred cock womble of a ex Prime Minister is gone from Politics or at least the House of Commons, I’m personally amazed that he didn’t nominate himself into the House of Lords, but then you can guarantee the Richie Rich will have a Honour for him when the Tories get kicked out of parliament in the next general election.

But in resigning he can’t help but fuck it up by taking a job at The Mirror, which is in breach of the ministerial code, but then again does anything think for second he actually cares.

Now that he is gone, it is time to start making right his wrongs, but we need to start with making right a few of the on going woes, like tax payers covering his legal defence bills, when lets face it he knowingly broke the law, so he should rightly pay his own bills.

I seriously doubt he is going to stay gone for long, it’s just not in his makeup to walk away he is far to arrogant and at the end of the day still maintains he did nothing wrong, there is already talk of him standing as an independent for the Mayor of London, and there is nothing stopping him coming back as an MP again, apart from actually getting selected, but there are enough die hard Tories out there in the blue regions who still thinks the sun shines out of his ass to do it…. Heaven forbid.

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