October 1, 2024

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Fake Children in Need T-Shirts on eBay No Money Goes to Charity
News & Poiltics

Charity begins in China, C’mon Amazon & e-Bay You Can Do Better.

It’s BBC Children in Need on November the 15th (so six weeks away at time of writing) and already Amazon, eBay, Facebook Marketplace and Etsy are full of fake Children in Need T-Shirts, Sweathshirts, Pudsy Bears, Caps, Bags and every other conceivable piece of Pudsy merch you can think of…..

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A Few of my latest posts...

Dry Storage Solution for Storing 3D Printing Filament

Perfect Dry Storage for 3D Printing Filament

If you’re passionate about 3D printing, you know that keeping your filament dry is essential for optimal results. Have you ever struggled with storing open rolls of filament? You’re not alone! A recent discovery from a 3D printing group on Facebook has unveiled a brilliant and affordable solution to this

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Daily Telegraph Tops IPSO Naughty List

So Sue Gray has been pushed out, What Next for the Main Stream Media?

Sue Gray’s resignation from Kier Starmer’s government highlights a troubling trend in the mainstream media’s manipulation of politics. As the media escalates its smear campaigns, the integrity of political discourse is at stake. With constant fabrications and sensationalized stories, the need for press regulation has never been more urgent. From

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